Pricing & Services info on this page may be out-of-date. Please visit our new site DrMattParker.com for current information.
Our new website is DrMattParker.com. Please click HERE to go to our new site with updated pricing & service information!
About the House Call Appointment
and our Fees & other Costs
Forms Required Before the Appointment
Most of us do not like to fill out exensive forms & questionnaires prior to our appointments, but it is SO helpful for Dr. Parker to evaluate your answers to our specific questionnaire prior to the Holistic house call appointment! Please make every effort to thoroughly and thoughtfully complete the questionnaire found in the Intake Forms on our scheduling website at least 2 days prior to your pet's appointment. (More about scheduling an appointment on our How to Schedule page)​
Being 'Present' for the Appointment
​First and foremost we have to believe in what we are doing; we have to believe in the power of the truly Holistic approach; we have to believe that we can help your four-legged friend get better; we have to believe in the power of positivity!​​
In this day and age it can be difficult for many of us to find 60 minutes of relaxed "free" time for a thorough veterinary exam, but your pet's health depends on it!
We want to spend as much time as we can understanding your pet’s history and past problems and current problems and lifestyle, in order to better treat him and help him restore balance to his system so that he can keep himself healthier!
Be prepared to delve into further discussion about your questionnaire answers, and to provide additional details about your pet's prior medical history.
What to Expect during our Appoinment
The initial appointment includes an exam encompassing many philosophies, including Western, Eastern, Chiropractic, Nutritional, and other perspectives, as well as a LOT of discussion about these Holistic concepts and how they may help your pet.
At the Initial appointment we will be focused on finding & understanding why your pet is sick, or how & why he is injured. Some amount of therapeutic chiropractic & rehab & massage is built-in to our hands-on exam, but more than that can overwhelm some pets. So, we may or may not perform these or acupuncture treatment at the initial visit. We will likely prescribe herbs or nutritional supplements, provide education about nutrition, and perform routine or specialty lab/blood work, along with judicious use of other medications (if necessary). Remember, although we are Holistic and we lean toward a more-natural approach, we will recommend and encourage whatever we think is best for the situation, which sometimes means that we have to save the natural approach for next time.
Every exam we perform on your pet will be Holistic and will often focus more on one particular Holistic methodology depending on your pet's current condition. Sometimes it will be primarily chiropractic, sometimes primarily acupuncture, sometimes massage & Rehab, and sometimes it is predominantly a discussion of our observations & treatment options.
Services Offered
Our passion & primary purpose is to promote longevity and to help reduce chronic disease.
We offer acupuncture, chiropractic, massage & Rehab, nutritional counseling, and other Holistic treatments. Our exams encompass all of these methodologies as well as the Conventional exam tools (stethoscope, thermometer, otoscope, etc).
We demonstrate and perform Rehab exercises when appropriate.
We perform special diagnostic lab tests, in addition to routine annual blood work.
We encourage vaccine titer testing.
We examine ears and skin (sometimes with samples evaluated under the microscope) and trim toe nails.
Unfortunately, we are not able to provide emergency or surgery services, nor do we provide euthanaisia. We do not provide radiographs or advanced imaging (X-Rays nor Ultrasound), but we can refer you elsewhere if these are needed.
Appointment Type and Costs
Our exam pricing is structured into 4 basic house-call options:
(1) All Initial Holistic and 2nd-Opinion (or 3rd or 4th opinion...) House-Call Exams $315:
- ​​​This includes the full exam and in-depth discussion & recommendations, review of the prior medical history & questionnaire;
- The primary focus of this visit is to get to the root of the problem, which often consumes the entire time-period;
- This cost includes some amount of chiropractic and/or massage which is an integral part of the complete diagnostic exam;
- This includes up-to 75-minutes with Dr. Parker & Kara;
- Additional Services listed below are at the discretion of the veterinarian and are in addition to the exam cost;​​
- This is the base starting cost for ANY exam or relationship with us.
(2) All On-Going House Call Treatment Exams $105:​
These are the more-frequent follow-up sessions after the Initial exam;
This is often used to treat your pet weekly for 4-6 weeks after our Initial assessment for a 'cummulative' effect since we're often trying to reverse a lifetime of dis-ease;
This includes more of a 'recheck' exam and ongoing discussion of treatments & effects & expectations;
This is a shorter more-frequent 30-minute visit with Dr. Parker & Kara;
Treatments such as acupuncture, chiropractic, or massage are at additional cost;
Additional Services listed below are in addition to the exam cost.
- (3) All Maintenance House Call Exams $165:​
- These are the more occasional visit, usually for pets that we see & treat monthly or less;
- This is more of a Preventative Maintenance session;
- This includes an exam and ongoing discussion of health & treatments;
- This includes up-to 60-minutes with Dr. Parker & Kara;
- This cost again includes some amount of chiropractic and/or massage which is an integral part of the complete diagnostic exam, but a full chiropractic/acupuncture/massage/rehab session is an additional cost;
- Additional Services listed below are in addition to the exam cost.​​​
(4) Rehabilitation & Physical Therapy Treatment $165:
This House Call Exam & Treatment is our 'Rehab' appointment;
This appointment is only offered after our Initial Holistic Assessment visit;
'Rehab' visits may include some amount of chiropractic spinal manipulation and/or massage (included in the cost), but these visits are primarily to assess and demonstrate Physical Therapy exercises and stretching techniques;
We can perform the Rehab & PT stretches and exercises, or teach you to do them, or both;
Additional Services such as Laser or Ozone, and supplements may be necessary at the costs listed below;​​​​
Rehab visits are scheduled for no-more-than-30-minutes with Dr. Parker & Kara because sometimes it takes only a few minutes of hands-on Sympathetic Nervous System input to completely overwhelm certain pets (With regard to the Sympathetic Nervous System, there can be 'too-much of a good thing!).
The Following Additional Services are available and may be necessary at any appointment:​​
- We will usually recommend and prescribe/dispense/drop-ship Chinese herbs or other Nutritional Supplements during the House Call visit; these will vary in cost;​
- We will sometimes prescribe pharmaceutical medications depending on the severity of disease;
- Most medications and many herbal supplements are easily attainable through a link at the top of our website;
- We keep a few of the most urgent Herbs or medications with us for immediate dispensing;​
- We offer several different specific send-out lab tests that all vary in cost, to help us get to the root of your pets problems;
- We can also provide the typical routine/general lab work including full chemistry & CBC, tick & heartworm testing, urinalysis, fecal parasite screening;
- We offer several different specific send-out lab tests that all vary in cost, to help us get to the root of your pets problems;
- Full acupuncture, chiropractic, massage sessions are $75;
- Kara is wonderful at toe nail trims for $25;
- Laser therapy is $45;
- Ozone therapy is $45;
- If we find that X-Rays or an Ultrasound are necessary, we'll refer you to a Boarded Radiologist at a regular or specialty clinic.​​​
These prices are for our service areas within city limits of Stuart, Palm City, Hobe Sound, Jupiter. Additional travel fees beyond these areas will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Phone and video/online meeting consults are available in certain situations on a case-by-case basis (although we greatly prefer to see your pet in-person!). Please send us an email with more information to help us determine if such a consult is appropriate.
Payment is due at time of service. We accept CASH or credit card for initial appointments, and also checks from current clients.